Why the Baltics are a Good Travel Choice this Summer?

Safe from Covid-19, Away from the Mass Market, Small Local Population, Short Flight in Europe – we give you a list of these and a number of other reasons to choose the three Baltic States in 2020.


Happiness in Baltic Blues rises up!

Our Happiness Index is 90% in 2019 and it is rising up every year comparing with 83% in 2018


Our MICE team went to IBTM in Barcelona

This November Baltic Blues Events exhibited at the key global event for MICE companies in Barcelona


Good news from the Baltics

Reopening of the flight connections, street cafes and shops returns life to normal.


Celebration of the New Year - our Signature Event

It is the 11 year since Baltic Blues Travel has been organizing an outstading New Year celebration for the Russian-speaking guests in Vilnius

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